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Private Session Overview 

Private sessions are what EAST Hockey Training was founded on. The flexibility of private sessions allows us to dig deep as we break movement patterns specific to the individuals game down to their origins in controlled environments with no time constraints. After we master the basics we unleash those newly wired skills into full speed situations contaminated with chaos and a surplus of stimuli aimed at recreating high stress situations that repetitively arise in competition.  Expect simple drills paired with some complex caveats where execution is the priority. 


Private Session Principles

  • High frequency, game-like events: extraction of high frequency patterns and situations to create game-like, competitive environments for players to train within. Every scenario will require seamless decision making and the simultaneous application of multiple skill sets. Watching the player interact with these situations will allow us to identify individual skills and tactics we need to isolate and improve to optimize their game play.

  • Variability: within those high frequency patterns that drive everything we do, each play has inherently unique characteristics that must be accounted for - initial conditions, pressure type, stick placement, speed, positioning, and puck state (bouncing, rolling, on the wall).  Within each training repetition scenarios will never be the same to most accurately mimic gameplay.

  • Constraints: manipulation of time, space, pressure (number of players), and or rules to increase or decrease the difficulty of the training environment.


Private Session Options

  • Individual: 1-on-1 sessions, personalized schedule

  • Small Group: 2-7 players per sessions, personalized schedule



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